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Persistence of birth mode-dependent effects on gut microbiome composition, immune system stimulation and antimicrobial resistance during the first year of life

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The long-term effects of birth mode are not well understood. Factors including environmental exposure, breast feeding and diet can impact the development of early gut microbiome development. Its accepted that caesarean section can also alter early microbiome structure as it disrupts mother-to-neonate transmission of microbes. This publication investigates if differences in microbiome composition persist one year after caesarean section delivery. breastfeedin, microbiome, caesarean section delivery,immunity.

Bhanu Busi, S., de Nies L., Habier J., Wampach L.,Fritz J.V., Heintz-Buschart A., May P., Halder R., de Beaufort C., Wilmes P. Persistence of birth mode-dependent effects on gut microbiome composition, immune system stimulation and antimicrobial resistance during the first year of life. ISME Communications (2021) 1:8 , No changes were made to the article.


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