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Suspected CMA, FPIES & Telemedicine


Suspected CMA, FPIES & Telemedicine

Views: 10
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Suspected CMA, FPIES & Telemedicine

sleeping newborn baby on a blanket

This webinar provides an in-depth exploration of suspected Cow's Milk Allergy (CMA) and Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome (FPIES). It covers the complexities of diagnosing these conditions, which often present with overlapping symptoms and varying patient responses. The session includes a discussion on the role of telemedicine in the diagnosis and management of CMA and FPIES, particularly in the context of remote consultations. Practical strategies for using telemedicine effectively in patient assessment, monitoring, and support are presented. Best practices for ensuring accurate diagnosis and developing personalized treatment plans through virtual platforms are highlighted. The webinar offers valuable insights for healthcare professionals and others interested in the latest developments in pediatric allergy management. This recording is an essential resource for staying informed on innovative approaches to managing these challenging conditions.


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Suspected CMA, FPIES & Telemedicine

Suspected CMA, FPIES & Telemedicine

Suspected CMA, FPIES & Telemedicine

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