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C-section Delivery Explained


C-section Delivery Explained

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C-section Delivery Explained

Closeup of woman belly with a scar from a cesarean section and her baby with raised hand near

Explore the intricate world of infant gut health with our animated video. We delve into the increasing prevalence of C-section deliveries worldwide and their impact on the infant gut microbiome, emphasizing the critical role of microbial colonization in early life development. Discover how C-sections may disrupt this process, leading to gut microbiota dysbiosis and increased health risks for infants, including infections and metabolic disorders later in life.

Uncover the importance of nutritional strategies like breastfeeding and synbiotic-enriched formula in nurturing a healthy gut microbiota. Learn about the benefits of synbiotics, particularly the combination of scGOS/lcFOS prebiotics with the B. breve M-16V probiotic, in promoting beneficial bacteria and enhancing overall infant health.

As we navigate the complexities of gut health, it becomes clear how vital a balanced microbiome is for the well-being of future generations. Let's embrace this knowledge and work together to support the development of healthier, more resilient infants.


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C-section Delivery Explained

C-section Delivery Explained

C-section Delivery Explained

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