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Feeding the gut microbiome for infant immunity


Feeding the gut microbiome for infant immunity

Views: 76
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Feeding the gut microbiome for infant immunity

Mature female doctor examining baby boy in clinic; Shutterstock ID 1163987557; purchase_order: DNC thumbnails; job: ; client: ; other:

Delve into the significance of optimal nutrition in nurturing an infant's developing gut in this webinar. Join us for insightful discussions led by esteemed gastrointestinal microbiologist, Professor Patricia Conway, and expert dietitian, Karina Savage. Patricia will present cutting-edge findings on breastmilk research and advancements in infant nutrition technology. Meanwhile, Karina will showcase a compelling case study demonstrating how nutritional support can benefit infants susceptible to gut microbiota imbalance and allergies.


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Feeding the gut microbiome for infant immunity

Feeding the gut microbiome for infant immunity

Feeding the gut microbiome for infant immunity

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