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Nutrition Essentials: Oncology


Nutrition Essentials: Oncology

Views: 670
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Nutrition Essentials: Oncology

Optimal cancer care goes hand in hand with comprehensive nutritional support. During cancer treatment, up to 70% of patients face challenges like metabolic and psychological stress, taste changes, reduced food intake, and side effects that  exacerbate malnutrition, leading to weight and muscle loss.

Prevalent even in early stages of the disease, malnutrition can negatively impact  clinical outcomes, affecting post-surgery recovery, treatment tolerance, and overall quality of life. To counter these issues, early nutritional intervention becomes vital in ensuring better outcomes.

Guidelines from ESPEN/ESMO recommend high protein and high energy intake, along with adequate micronutrients like vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. Individual  patient requirements must also be considered to tailor medical nutrition support  effectively.

Read our “Nutrition Essentials: Oncology” booklet to learn more about the crucial components in the journey towards improved care and well-being for patients with cancer.


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Nutrition Essentials: Oncology

Nutrition Essentials: Oncology

Nutrition Essentials: Oncology

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